Zulutrade Review –Advanced Online Trading Redefined
After reviewing so many online brokers and trading platforms, I have come to the conclusion that many of them are just following each other in the latest trends. If one broker is doing something, the other one will start doing the same. I have seen that only a handful truly offer the market something different and unique and Zulutrade has to be one of them. That’s why I have decided to write this Zulutrade review so you can know more about this company and how it has redefined online trading.
I can say a lot about this platform that I can’t say about others. Its features are unique and the traders that join this platform surely get something they haven’t gotten from elsewhere before. Let’s learn more about Zulutrade in this review.
Easiest Signup Process
The signup process on this platform is different from what you see on other platforms. Most companies offer you a variety of trading accounts to pick from but this one is different. It does not take away your control in any way. It lets you sign up with it with a small deposit and then you have full control of your trading decisions. In fact, you can stay on the platform of your current broker while using Zulutrade. That’s what I love about this platform and I think you will too. What’s even better is that if you are not signed up with a broker yet, it will provide you with a list of reliable ones to pick from.
So, it’s just three easy steps that you have to follow to be signed up on this account. You just make the small deposit, open the account, pick from many traders and you are all set. Of course, you can always learn from the many training tutorials and videos available for you.
The Newest Assets for Trading
Yet another advancement from the company is in the form of its asset index. When you sign up on this platform, you will not be limited to a particular market or asset type. The company has allowed to trade any assets you like using its tools that are available to you when you sign into the platform. Here, it is important for me to mention that the broker you have signed up with is still the primary controller of all other elements. What I mean by that is that the leverages and spreads on your trades will still depend on the broker you have chosen or the one you were signed up with when you joined Zulutrade.
In addition to conventional assets like stocks, indices, and forex currency pairs, you can also trade some of the newest financial instruments, such as cryptocurrencies. Yet again, the good news is that you are not limited to just two of the biggest cryptos out there. Yes, you will be able to trade Ethereum and Bitcoin, but you have some other emerging coins in your access too when you are on this platform.
Social Trading in Its Finest Form
This is where things start to get interesting for real. You have other platforms only claiming to be the most advanced ones out there, but it is on this platform you will experience true advancement. You can trade socially, which means you will be doing copy trading when you join Zulutrade. What exactly does copy trading mean you may ask? It is when you sign up on the platform and then choose from a bunch of the best traders out there. These traders are ranked based on their trading portfolios, records, highs, and lows. You can copy their trades and follow in their footsteps.
Final Thoughts
Are you trying to become a trader? Do you think investing your money could help you increase your wealth? Yes, that’s all true but none of that comes without risks. With copy trading, you can beat the odds by taking trading decisions on time and taking emotions out of the equation.